Customer Authorization

Customer Authorization and Acceptance of terms for expanded Calling:

By submitting this form, you agree to the following:

I (Your Name) with (Group or Company) hereinafter referred to as “Customer” authorize Central Scott Telephone and its subsidiary CS Technologies to enable complete “011” International and/or “900” calling.

Central Scott Telephone and its subsidiary CS Technologies is an Equal Access Provider. All of our customers have the ability to change their Long Distance provider at any time to any Long Distance provider other than CST Communications who provides Long Distance services to Central Scott Telephone and its subsidiary CS Technologies for its customers. This ability to change exists separately yet within any term agreement for Local Phone or Internet Services with Central Scott Telephone or its subsidiary CS Technologies. 

Regardless of Customer’s Long Distance provider Central Scott Telephone and its subsidiary CS Technologies limits by default Customer calling area to Domestic Long Distance, Canada and US Virgin Islands.

In an effort to curtail fraudulent and unauthorized activity Central Scott Telephone and its subsidiary CS Technologies will block all International “011” and “900” calls regardless of Long Distance provider unless the customer Authorizes and Accepts full responsibility for ALL calls originating on their phone equipment, CPE, Electronic Key, PBX or VoIP phone system. 

By signing below and initialing choices above Customer accepts responsibility to pay for all International “011” and/or “900” charges generated to Customer by their Long Distance provider of choice. 

By submitting your name, your digital signature is authorizing the preferred carrier freeze request.